Friday, June 03, 2005
Title: The sjab camp.I went for st john camp but it was just simply boring. My cadets said that it was not fun as compared to last year. Of course la, last year the camp was I who planned it. Hehe.. Yesterday was the camp fire with the NPCC. The npcc was so friendly. I was at the right back of the camp fire, sitting down at the bench with Jian Ming. Jian ming's Sir thought that I and him together. Since the starting of the camp, keep saying us. Super funny.. Last night when I was about to go home, Jian ming walked past me and quite close to me and said good bye. I was stunned and regained my action at the next minute. I felt it was so sweet for him to said good bye to me and so close to me. Anyway we are just friends. He is nice. Haha..