Monday, October 16, 2006
Title: Shi sian de lor...Today starting of the school was okie. Everything was going fine. Then afternoon went to S&W then my mood was gone man. It was damn not fair lor. I want to join Yoga. But it like full lor then cannot go in. Then went to soft ball. It is not that I do not like soft ball. It just that I want to learn something new. I learn soft ball before last year in my secondary four liao lor. Haiz... Never mind la, join already still can do what. I know that soft ball is fun. But I want something new... Piss me off lor... Then when the lecturer said that there are 3 more places for Yoga. Then we rise our hands then he said no. And choose other people. What liao man. Fuck him la... Dun wan to post already la... :(