Thursday, November 23, 2006
Title: Too tough on myself???Today morning, everything was going smoothly. Then during fon I was sitting with Jo they all as I am different group from wan tian, ziqin they all. Then ziqin they all start to call my name. Lihui, lihui... I was like kind of piss off as I have to turn my head again and again. Find them very fan. Then I said talk after class la. And my tone was not very good. Maybe I was moody that why bai. But I felt guilty since just now until now. I should not do this to them. Then they asked me whether want to study with them tmr at the library. Then I say see first lor. And my tone at that time was also not very good. I hate to treat my friends like that. I told Jojo after that. Then jojo said am I too tough on myself?